Theme: God helps us make good choices.
Scripture: Genesis 25:34

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In today’s Bible lesson, we’re learning about the surprising story of a man named Esau. Esau was a twin, and he made a really poor choice that affected his entire life. Why? All because he was hungry! But before we dive in, let’s talk about an important piece of Esau’s story. It’s something called “birthright.”

Invite a few kids to share their ideas about what a birthright is.

Your birthright is what you’re born with or born into. Some things that are considered a birthright are your family’s name and your family relationships. It can include your family’s reputation. It includes property, such as your house, car, or livestock. Your birthright is a big deal—it represents what you can claim as yours in the world.

If you were born during Bible times—and even in some cultures today—and you were born first, you might have a more valuable birthright than your younger siblings.

Hand a “Birth Certificate” and a marker to each child. (

We’re going to think about your birthright now. As we talk, you’ll fill out more and more of your Birth Certificate. For starters, write your first, middle, and last name on your certificate. (Allow time.)

Your name is perhaps your most important birthright. Your parents chose it for you and it usually sticks with you forever. No one can take away your name unless you make that choice.

Esau had a twin brother named Jacob. Esau was born first. Jacob was born holding onto his brother’s heel.

Now take a look at your birth certificate. Write your birth date. (Allow time.) Now, think about your birth order. Were you born first like Esau, second like Jacob, or somewhere else in line? List that on your certificate. (Allow time.)

What things are part of your birthright? Your family’s house, money, belongings, pets, cars, toys, you name it. List a couple of those things on your birth certificate. (Allow time.)

Remember: Esau was born first. He would inherit the most, including property, houses, money, and livestock. Esau wouldn’t have to worry about these things. But then, something happened.

One day, Esau came in from the fields where he’d been hunting. He was very hungry. You know what that’s like! Jacob was cooking up a tasty stew and bread when Esau came in, and it must have smelled wonderful. Esau naturally wanted some of the tasty food.

Jacob, who was born second, whose birthright was much smaller than his brother’s, said, “I’ll give you this food if you sell me your birthright.”

Esau didn’t even hesitate. He said, “I’m so hungry I’ll die; what good is my birthright?” And he agreed to sell his birthright to his brother right then for a bowl of stew, bread, and a drink. That’s almost like giving away all your possessions ... for the full lesson, visit: **


En español...

En la lección bíblica de hoy, vamos a aprender sobre la sorprendente historia de un hombre llamado Esaú. Esaú era un mellizo, y tomó una muy mala decisión que afectó su vida para siempre. ¿Por qué? ¡Todo porque tenía hambre! Pero antes de comenzar la lección, hablemos de una parte importante de la historia de Esaú. Es algo llamado "derechos de nacimiento".

Invite a algunos niños a compartir sus ideas sobre lo que significan los derechos de nacimiento.

Tus derechos de nacimiento es con lo que naces o en lo que naces. Algunas cosas que se consideran un derecho de nacimiento son el nombre de tu familia y tus relaciones familiares. Esto puede incluir la reputación de tu familia. También incluye las propiedades, como tu casa, tu auto o tu ganado. Tus derechos de nacimiento son muy importantes, representan lo que puedes reclamar como tuyo en el mundo.

Si naciste en los tiempos de la Biblia, e incluso en algunas culturas actuales, y naciste primero, puede que tengas un derecho de nacimiento más valioso que tus hermanos menores.

Entréguele un "Certificado de nacimiento" y un marcador a cada niño.

Ahora, vamos a pensar en sus derechos de nacimiento. Mientras hablamos, van a ir llenando su Certificado de Nacimiento. Para empezar, escriban su nombre, segundo nombre y apellido en su certificado. (Permítales tener tiempo).

Tu nombre es quizás tu derecho de nacimiento más importante. Tus padres lo eligieron por ti y normalmente te acompañará para toda la vida. Nadie puede quitarte el nombre a menos que tú lo decidas....

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