Calvary Chapel Lowcountry
58 Riverwalk Boulevard
Ridgeland, SC 29926
(843) 645-PRAY (7729)

CCLI License #11245329

Please visit our website at to catch up on previous messages and messages from many other books of the Bible.

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Our Sunday service Livestream starts at 10:30AM Eastern time, and our Wednesday evening service Livestream starts at 7:00PM.

If you would like to reach out to us with any questions you may have, submit a prayer request, or simply check out the Calvary Chapel Lowcountry ministry, please visit our website.

It is our prayer that this ministry has been a blessing to you, and we covet your prayerful support. If the Lord has placed financially supporting our ministry upon your heart, we now have an easy to use "text to give" opportunity. Simply text "Giving" to (843) 418-4283, and you will be provided a one-time link to setup your personal account. Once the account has been setup, all you will need to do is text the (843) 418-4283 phone number, and you can specify your tax-deductible gift.

Thank you for watching and being a part of our church family...God bless!!!