How should a Christian act toward the darkness that is not pleasing to the Lord? How are Christians to interact with those who do not follow Christ? In this sermon on Ephesians 5:7–14 titled “Exposed by the Light,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones provides some helpful insights to aid believers in working through these complex issues. Throughout the centuries, some Christians have argued for a sort of lifestyle that withdraws them completely from interaction with the world. Yet, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out, this robs the gospel of one of its main victories— that Christians are able to live a different life in the same world as a witness to those who don’t yet know Christ. How can one do this? First, they are to break completely with sin— they once were partakers of these activities, but now are to walk as children of the light. This exhortation reminds that sanctification is a process, not a one-time “product.” Second, Christians must not even be interested in the unfruitful works of darkness. Yet, this point often raises an interesting question: how should Christians balance having company with unbelievers without becoming like them? Since Christians are called to live among them and to be a witness, how can they maintain these values without compromising their faith? Dr. Lloyd-Jones provides helpful commentary on this that aids in thinking through how to best live out the faith.