An LGBT+ friendly Bible study for the Twenty-First Week of Ordinary Time, based on Jesus being rejected by some of his early disciples, in John 6:56 - 69.

To get the most out of this Bible study, download the sheet (First Look Sheet 20210817.pdf) from here:

Questions to ponder:

1) What can we learn from John 6:56 – 58 about what intimacy with Jesus looks like, and how all this builds on the story of the Exodus?

2) Why do you think some of the disciples who’d followed Jesus that far rejected him (6:60)? Have you ever walked away from God for a season?

3) Jesus contrasts the descending of manna with the ascending of the Son of Man. How does this help us understand the events described here?

4) What does it mean to you to speak of Jesus as having the words of eternal life (6:68)? Who are the people who have helped you hear them?

5) How is this reading good news for today?