Welcome to a guided Christian meditation for the days that are just a little more difficult than normal. We begin with mindfulness and a focus on the breath and then we transition to a meditation of Isaiah 41:10. We pray over this verse and find encouragement in it. To end, we return back to the mindfulness practice that we established at the beginning.

I'm Cat, and thank you for joining me in this practice!
Reach out:
Email: exhalefearmeditations@gmail.com

A New Living Translation Bible is used for all scripture.

0:00 Settling In and Mindfulness
1:56 Isaiah Chapter 41
3:36 Prayer
5:28 A Return to Mindfulness of the Breath
7:05 Reflection on the Impact of a Meditation
7:25 Closing

Music: There Are Many Different Kinds of Love by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/vendaface/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Disclaimer: This video represents my personal meditation practice as a student. I am not a certified meditation teacher. Anything I say or write is my own opinion and not an expression of professional advice or prescription. This video is not a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. Please seek a licensed mental health professional if you are in need of psychological care. While the risk of injury during a guided meditation is low, I am not responsible for any injury or adverse effects that may result from your use of this video. Please use at your own discretion.