Galatians 2:16 vs Romans 2:13 / Paul vs Paul

It's time to tackle some of the hardest verses in the New Testament. Let's talk about justification! James says "works" and Paul says "faith". Do we get to go with whichever answer we like better? Some would say it has to be both. What if it's not? What if Paul is talking about justification for sinners and James is talking about justification for saints?

Are there two types of justification in the New Testament? YES! I believe this simple understanding of going through the door of Yeshua and living in His Kingdom according to His Way can open your understanding of Galatians and make the concept so easy you can explain it to your children!

Without this understanding it looks like Paul is arguing with himself, James and even our Messiah! We need to throw Paul out or figure out how what he says lines up with everyone else. I believe this video can do just that!

Find out why the answers to two of life's most important questions are not the same! What must I do to be saved? What must I do to inherit eternal life?