Paul in this section of Galatians gives a very, very strong declaration to those in the Galatians churches, that if they go back to circumcision they are turning away from Christ. It is such an offense to the cross if they get circumcised again for the purpose of salvation that Paul gives them a double warning. This isn't a small matter. It is the whole reason Jesus Christ came and died on the cross, because salvation couldn't come through works.

Jesus came to set people free from their sins and salvation by works through the cross. It's for freedom that Christ set us free. This is the crux of the gospel. What's the value in being set free in order to return back to prison and throw away the key? This is in fact what the Galatian churches are doing if they choose to go back to the circumcision.

They were encountering false teaching and Paul was doing everything he could. The gospel was at stake.

And I wonder how much more the gospel of Jesus Christ is at stake today.

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