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Paul is concerned for these churches in the area of Galatia because some teachers have come from Jerusalem telling them that if they want to be true followers of Jesus they need to take on the aspects of Judaism. They need to become circumcised, they need to observe all the Jewish feasts and they need to come under the Law.
Paul was not just upset with these teachers; he was amazed because the church started going along with the program. He’s writing to get them back on course, saying that these men are distorting the gospel of Christ and that if anyone preaches a different gospel, let him be accursed. Paul is hot!
He then goes into great depth explaining the difference between the Old Testament Law and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
No one is justified by the works of the Law, Paul wrote, we are justified by faith in Christ. In other words, a sinner is not made right with God because he’s done some righteous things. Frankly, God is not impressed. “The righteousness of man is like filthy rags before God,” the prophet Isaiah wrote.
The notion that someone can be made right with God by doing some righteous things has several problems. First, God doesn’t just keep track of the few good things a person does; He keeps track of everything. Can you imagine someone following you around with a clipboard and writing down everything you’ve ever done or said or thought? And then can you imagine that your relationship to God is based upon what’s written on the clipboard? That’s not such an encouraging thought.
The problem is that God is holy and that clipboard has recorded some things that are frankly quite embarrassing. A lot of people actually believe that their standing before God is based on what’s written on that clipboard. They believe all their deeds are placed on a scale; the bad things on one side, the good things on the other side. “Let’s see, I’ve told three lies and four truths, that puts me on the plus side. I stole something two times, but I didn’t steal something seven times; man, I’m really doing well.” No, God doesn’t compare the good to the bad, he compares all of it, the entire clipboard, to His own holiness.
If you have a perfectly white dress how many stains would it take before we say that the dress is stained? Only one. Once the dress is stained, how do you remove it?

Pastor Rich Jones
Rich Jones Sermons
Rich Jones Calvary Chapel
Calvary Chapel Worship Center
Calvary Chapel Hillsboro
Calvary Chapel Beaverton

Pastor Rich Jones
Rich Jones
Rich Jones
Rich Jones Sermons 2015
Rich Jones Sermons 2014

Rich Jones Church, Rich Jones Christian, Rich Jones Christian Church, Rich Jones Bible Study, Rich Jones Prayer, Pastor Rich Jones Faith, Rich Jones Grace, Rich Jones Healing, Rich Jones Teaching, Rich Jones Bible Teacher, Rich Jones Bible Verse, Rich Jones Healing, Rich Jones Teaching, Rich Jones Transformation, Rich Jones Faith, Rich Jones Salvation, Rich Jones Truth, Rich Jones Prayer, Rich Jones Bible, Rich Jones, Rich Jones Sermons 2014, Rich Jones 2014 Full Sermons, Rich Jones Full Sermons, Rich Jones Sermons, Rich Jones 2015, Rich Jones Sermons 2015, Pastor Rich Jones 2015 Full Sermons, pastor Rich Jones Full Sermons, Rich Jones 2015, Rich Jones Calvary Chapel, Calvary Chapel Worship Center, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Calvary Chapel Beaverton