A liar’s true identity is often not revealed until they are put in a trial that reveals their true character.
A liar often takes advantage of the naive--of Naaman the recent convert, someone wanting to be generous with their wealth.
A liar is given an opportunity to get out and confess but instead hardens their heart.
A liar starts with one lie and quickly has lied more than they can count. From, “All is well…” to, “I went nowhere.”
A liar will often appear entirely fine on the outside but inwardly be full of deceit.
A liar seeks to justify their actions by trying to convince themselves that others are wrong and they are doing what is right.
A liar will attribute what they are to someone else’s idea, as in they are just sent by someone else.
A liar will make it appear like they have someone else’s interests in view.
A liar will make up an elaborate and often believable story in order to get what their lust craves.
A liar lies about others to protect their own lie.
A liar will often have others unknowingly support them in their lie. They then take this as affirmation that they are doing the right thing.
A liar will try not to be seen and to conceal themselves--to cover their tracks.
A liar will isolate themselves and be missing at times when they clearly should be somewhere.
A liar will try to move on and act as if all is OK.
A liar is bound to eventually get caught by misspeaking and revealing an inconsistency in their story.
A liar will try to act like they are ignorant and don’t know what you are talking about.
A liar might not even realize they are lying because their conscience is so seared.

MP3: http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermon/6162121022199

Grace Community Church

San Antonio, Texas
