
JUST AS God used the king of Tyre to represent His judgment against the rebel from Eden, the "anointed guardian cherub," He used the pharaoh of Egypt to describe His judgment against the spirit of chaos, which was represented by the sea monster Leviathan.

Here are the verses that describe the conflict between God and chaos:

* Genesis 1:2 ("deep" is the Hebrew tehom, a cognate for Akkadian temtum, which is the Sumerian chaos serpent Tiamat)

* Exodus 7:9 ("serpent" is the Hebrew tannin, which can also mean "dragon")

* Isaiah 51:9-10 (refers to the chaos monster as Rahab and to drying up "the waters of the great deep [tehom]")

* Isaiah 30:7 (calls Egypt "Rahab who stands still")

* Psalm 89:5-10 ("You rule the raging of the sea [Yam, Canaanite god of chaos and the sea]... You crushed Rahab like a carcass")

* Psalm 74:12-17 ("You divided the sea by your might; you broke the heads of the sea monsters[a] on the waters. You crushed the heads of Leviathan")

* Job 26:12 ("By his power he stilled the sea [Yam]; by his understanding he shattered Rahab.")

* Isaiah 27:1 ("In that day the Lord with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent [Hebrew nachash, the same word used to describe the "serpent" in Eden], Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon [tannin] that is in the sea.")

* Revelation 21:1 (Final destruction of chaos described by Isaiah: "...and the sea was no more.")
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'Realms of Stone,' the fourth in Sharon's series of supernatural thrillers The Redwing Saga is available now at Amazon! See for more information.

Derek's latest book 'The Day the Earth Stands Still: Unmasking the Old Gods Behind UFOs, ETs, and the Official Disclosure Movement,' co-authored with Josh Peck, is available now in paperback and for Kindle! See for more info.

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