God Foretells Destruction Isaiah 47:10-15
God is not controlled by time or situations; He controls them both. In His wisdom, He knows what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. Unlike man who only sees something after it takes place, God sees everything before it even exists. Such is the story of Babylon in this week’s lesson. The Babylonians took God’s people into captivity and through the prophet Isaiah God declared His judgment upon Babylon even before the nation became a world power. This week’s lesson gives us some insight into the judgment of Babylon as prophesied by Isaiah and confirms that God “declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…” (see Isaiah 46:10).
When we let our sin deceive us into thinking that we are getting away with something, we can expect God’s discipline (Isaiah 47:10-11).
II. DECEPTIVE DEFENSES (Isaiah 47:12-15)
When we are in trouble of any kind, we must look to God for help and not soothsayers (Isaiah 47:12-13; Psalms 46:1).
People may appear to be our friends when things are going well, but unlike God, they will desert us when things start going wrong (Isaiah 47:14-15; Hebrews 13:5).
This week’s lesson teaches us that every nation of the world is under God’s control, and He will use any of them to accomplish His purposes. Even before Babylon became a world power, God declared that He would use them to discipline His people and then destroy the Babylonians for how they treated them. God has not changed. He already knows what will happen tomorrow and even in the next century, and any nation that opposes His will and His way will face destruction. If God said it, it will come to pass (see Isaiah 48:3)!

Ronald Jasmin Assistant Pastor of Corona Baptist Church in Mt Juliet, TN and Cornelius Hill Pastor of Ephesian Primitive Baptist Church Nashville, TN Christian Business Connection
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