This is our online Sunday service during Covid-19 restrictions.

Message is based on Joshua
: Set up
6:52 Welcome and Worship
37:58 Open Floor Thanksgiving
50:55 Worship
58:16 Message - Joshua Chapter 6

#strongholds #praise #goodnewschurch
The current bible reading plan spoken of during this message can be found at

If that is not the current bible reading plan and the link is closed please ask for a copy in the comments below.
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Tom Hoban is the lead Pastor of Good News Christian Church. This congregation is in Cork, Ireland. It has multiply ministries and services. Good News Church is part of the world wide Foursquare family of churches. Pastor Tom is in Pastoral ministry since his first church plant on the 27th September 1992. Pastor Tom's passion has always been to lead people to know the truth of God's word and help them live it out as disciples of Jesus Christ.
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