Read Acts 13:42-52. Answer the questions (below). Watch the video if you wish. (BTW, I made a mistake in the video. The cat is Luna, a 'she' not a 'he.')

The questions:

Study Questions for Acts 13:42-52:
(42) How did the people respond to Paul’s message? Why do you think they may have responded like this?
(43) What do you think a ‘God-fearing proselyte’ is? What was the message of Paul and Barnabas to the Jews and God-fearing proselytes?
For thought: Why was the message ‘continue in the grace of God’ instead of ‘repent and turn to Jesus’?
(44) Who gathered on the next Sabbath?
(45) Who begins contradicting Paul? Why?
In Acts 13:15, who had invited Paul to speak? In 13:42, who invited Paul back? Now, who do you think ‘the Jews’ are in 13:45?
(46) Based on this verse, do you think Jews who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ will be saved?
(47) Who is the light now extended to? How far should salvation be extended?
(48) How did the Gentiles respond?
(49) How do you think the word of the Lord was being spread?
(50) How does Satan try to stop the word from spreading?
(51) How did Paul and Barnabas respond? (Cf. Matthew 10:14)
(52) Who do you think ‘the disciples’ refers to? What was happening with them?