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Study Questions for Acts 19:8-20
(8) What do you think Paul was teaching about the kingdom of God?
Jesus said in Mark 9:1 that the kingdom would come during that generation and that the kingdom would come with power. In Acts 1:6-8, when questioned about the kingdom, Jesus said the apostles would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. That happened in Acts 2. Those who “received [Peter’s] word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41). What were they added to? The number of those who were being saved (Acts 2:47). Those who are saved (from the devil’s kingdom) are in the kingdom of God. Read Colossians 1:13-14 and Revelation 1:5-6. Christians are in the kingdom now, and a heavenly kingdom awaits (2 Timothy 4:18).
(9) How did some respond? How long did this take? How did Paul respond?
(10) How long was Paul in Ephesus? What was the result?
(11-12) Describe God’s miracles done through the hands of Paul.
(13) What did people recognize as the source of Paul’s power?
(14) Who tried to replicate the miracles done through Paul?
(15-16) What was the result? Can you imagine that scene?
(17) What was the ultimate result?
(18) What do you think is the importance of confession before others?
(19) How did the believers show their repentance? If each coin was worth a day’s wages, calculate the value in today’s terms.
(20) What was the word of the Lord doing?
How can we help the word of the Lord grow mightily and prevail today?