1. Read Acts 12:13-25.
2. Answer these questions: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MgRmp--8WUduWU8IALckVkztbfPWJxoQ (or look below).
3. Watch the video.
4. Submit comments and questions below!

Study Questions for Acts 12:13-25
(13) Who is ‘he’ and from where has he come?
(14) What did Rhoda recognize? What can we infer from this? Also, what was Rhoda’s response?
(15) Who does Rhoda give the announcement to? (Cf. v. 12) What is their response? What had they been doing through the night?
(16) What did Peter have to do? How did they respond?
(17) Why was there a need for Peter to motion to them? Who does Peter credit for his escape? Where did he then go?
(18) When was it discovered that Peter had escaped?
(19) What did Herod do to the guards?
(20) How do you think the people of Tyre and Sidon might have won over Blastus? What was a chamberlain?
(21-22) What did Herod do? How did the people from Tyre and Sidon respond?
(23) How did Herod respond to their worship? What did an angel do?
[Jewish historian Josephus reports that this event took place in AD 44 when Herod flaunted his power and his flatterers praised him as a god. Agrippa collapsed immediately and died four days later at the age of 54.]
(24) What was the result of all that happened?
(25) What had been the mission of Barnabas and Saul? Where did they return to? Who went with them?