Habakkuk has asked his questions. God has answered. Then what? Habakkuk 3 is an amazing prayer of praise as Habakkuk moves from doubt and confusion to faith and trust.

Where are you on your journey of faith? Our inductive verse by verse look at this passage offers a refreshing look at Habakkuk's prayer life while inspiring us to praise God.

Full written Bible study on Habakkuk 3:1-15: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/habakkuk-studies/habakkuk-3-1-15/
Study and Obey Habakkuk E-book: https://studyandobey.com/product/habakkuk-ebook-for-groups-or-leaders/.
Study and Obey Kindle or Paperback from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Study-Habakkuk-Moving-Doubt-Questions-ebook/dp/B07VNYGTY6