We left off last time with David once again sparing Saul and once again Saul honored David and went home, but David knows Saul’s behavior by now. Saul has proven over and over to be non-trustworthy. He says this today and does that tomorrow. Saul has pretty much lost his mind as we have discussed before and David realizes that his erratic behavior will constantly keep him on the run. David makes the decision to go where Saul wouldn’t follow. He goes to Gath and King Achish. Now remember this is not the first time he went to Gath.

David had Achish completely fooled. This whole year and 4 months that he lived among the Philistines, David raided the Geshurites, the Girzites, and the Amalekites, utterly destroying cities, leaving no men or women alive so he wouldn’t be found out. David led king Achish to believe he was raiding towns in Judah, his own people, building trust all based on a lie.