Because of Jesus, Christians have a loving Father who enjoys hearing from them in prayer. When we pray, we are simply talking to our Father. Prayer can be silent or aloud, in secret or on the go. God always answers prayer with: yes, no, or later. Prayer can cause God to act, but oftentimes prayer is to change us. From Paul's prayer for his church, we learn that in order to live out our identity in Christ, we need the Father's riches, the Spirit's strength, Jesus' life, and we need to be able to grasp with all of the church how wide, long, high, and deep is the love of Jesus. When we pray, we can pray confidently and hopefully because we know that God is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think.

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"Heard" out of Ephesians 3:14-21, by Pastor Brett Baggett, was preached at the worship gathering of Ekklesia Muskogee on Sunday, May 26th, 2013. Week #8 in Ekklesia's 16 week sermon series titled "Ephesians | A sermon serious about our unshakeable identity in Christ."