Modern News Media and the Death of Culture

On my personal FB page today I referenced a book I read several decades ago called Modern Art and the Death of a Culture by H. R. Rookmaaker. In it Mr. Rookmaaker traced the philosophical shifts of Western culture as expressed in the arts. As he insightfully noted 52 years ago Western culture is dying, and today it is close to death as expressed in society’s self-absorbed focus. One form of art that illustrates it well is modern news media. They have become artists painting with words and video a vivid picture of our dead culture. One in which truth no longer matters, facts are ignored, and nihilistic self-destruction is enthusiastically embraced. Finding the truth is like opening up the septic tank to find a ring that got dropped down the sink. It’s in there somewhere but do I really want to dig through all of that?

A current example is the war drums being beaten by the news media seemingly determined to draw us into war against Russia. Beyond the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and that war is awful, deadly, and destructive I’m not sure what to believe. Finding the truth is a daunting task. Is the ring worth searching through the sewer for the truth? May I suggest that for Christians it really isn’t? Rather than getting caught up in the fear and hysteria of the moment, especially the end of the world talk by believers in premillennialism, Christians should focus on trusting God and pleading for His mercy. Lift up all involved before God and ask for a swift and merciful end to the madness. Plea for peace and safety for the innocent civilians. Pray for the leaders’ hearts to be softened into surrendering to Him. But do not pick sides and press our leaders to form alliances that will expand the conflict, which will only increase the death and destruction.

As we continue looking at the divided kingdom period of Judah and Israel here on Morning Minutes in the Bible, we’re winding down our look at King Jehoshaphat. Yesterday we noted his mistake of making an alliance with Ahaziah, the thoroughly pagan king of Israel. None of his alliances with Ahab and Ahaziah ended well, even though God intervened to protect Judah every time. He especially had to step in to protect the nation when the alliance led to massive death among Jehoshaphat’s family after his death.

Setting those errors aside, Jehoshaphat was basically a good king. One demonstration of that goodness was his reaction to the first rebuke by God. Instead of sulking like Ahab, Jehoshaphat went to work to shift the culture of his day by turning people to God. He set up a system of judges throughout Judah to ensure the safety and security of the people by teaching God’s word. The single defining principle was a fear of God rather than man no matter who was offended (2 Chronicles 19:5-11). Verse 9 includes this instruction, “Thus you shall do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and wholeheartedly.”

Christians need to take this instruction to heart. Are we listening? We must shift the thinking in our own heart toward God and the things of eternity. We must stand firm against today’s evil culture and not seek to save it by aligning ourselves with politicians and political parties on any side of the aisle. Remember, we are citizens of God’s kingdom and must promote His rule. It won’t save the culture, but it will save people. Oh, and turn off the news media, they’ll just rot your brain.