If you are finding it difficult to respect your husband or you want to know how to respect your husband despite the fact that he is making wrong decisions in your opinion, this video is for you. Especially in the light of Ephesians 5:33.

While coaching people to transform their lives and marriages, I get these questions:
How do I respect a husband who does not respect himself?
How do I respect a husband that I don't trust?
How do I respect a husband who doesn't care about the welfare of his family?
How do I respect a husband who is not praying with his family?
How do I respect a husband who disrespects my family and friends?

If you have any of these questions? Then this video is for you. I assume from your question that you want to save your marriage. This means that you are not looking for a reason to leave the marriage.

If you were blessed by this video, Get even more help from the Webinar Replay Below. You can access this video immediately. And I believe you will be glad you took the time to learn these 5 steps!

The Time-Tested 5-Step System To Rebuild Your Christian Marriage On Your Own!