Worldview Everlasting, the organization, no longer exists. But you can find all the new work Revfisk is doing at, including all the new videos posted to

Pastor Wolfmueller's new work can all be found at

Pastor Richard's new work can all be found at

And Peter "the Edit Monkey" Slayton's new project can be found at

There seem to be a few common themes all throughout the Epistle lessons the last few weeks - preach the Gospel and guard against heresy. And guess what? We have those same themes in today's text!! Peter exhorts his readers to faithfulness in doctrine and to watch out for false teachers who claim to come in the name of Jesus, yet actually serve themselves. Greek Tuesday and 2 Peter 1:16-21. Awesome.

Gospel text for this Sunday (Matthew 17:1-9):

Questions about the Lutheran Ninja Clan and WEtv's goals? Watch this video: or contact Peter Slayton at peterslayton[at]

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