Today's word is taken from
Isaiah chapter 18 verse 4
"I will be still, and I will watch from my dwelling place"

Assyria was marching against Ethiopia, the people of which are described as tall and smooth. And as the armies advance, God makes no effort to slow them; it seems they will be allowed to work their will. He is still watching them from His dwelling place, the sun still shines on them; but before the harvest, the whole of the proud army of Assyria is smitten as easily as plucked flowers.

Is not this a marvelous conception of God--being still and watching? His stillness is not acquiescence. His silence is not consent. He is only biding His time, and will arise, in the most opportune moment. As we look out on the evil of the world; as we think of the apparent success of wrong-doers; as we wince beneath the oppression of those that hate us, let us remember these marvelous words about God being still and beholding.

Jesus beheld His disciples toiling at the oars through the stormy night. But He was only waiting the moment when He could interpose most effectually.

Is He still to thee? He is not unobservant; He is beholding all things; He has His finger on thy pulse, keenly sensitive to all its fluctuations. He will come to save thee when the precise moment has arrived.