What is the world’s greatest problem? Many would say war; others would say it is poverty. Some say that regardless of what the problem is, it can be solved by education alone. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:18 titled “Ignorant of the Truth of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones goes on to show how all of these answers provide an unbiblical response to this most important question. According to Scripture, all the trouble in the world is only a result of humanity’s sinful and rebellious nature. Though people were created good and holy, they rejected God, and as a result of this fell into sin and condemnation. This fall brought the whole created order into a state of sin and despair. What was once created good by God has now become distorted and corrupted. Humanity now does not know God and does not seek to love or serve Him as they were created to do. If all the world’s problems stem from people not knowing God, what is the answer? God has made a way of salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus died for all who believe in order that those who repent of their sins and believe upon His name are forgiven of their sins and made children of God. This is the world’s only hope.