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The message is called “Iran Attacks Israel - Is This Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?”

0:00 Introduction
10:18 The Last Days will be like child birth (Matthew 24:4-8)
13:19 Gog and allies attack Israel (Ezekiel 38:1-8)
19:18 Moral failure will be great (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
20:44 Scoffers will arise in the Last Day (2 Peter 3:3-4)
22:06 The people of Israel were scattered among the nations (Ezekiel 36:18-19)
22:46 Then the land became desolate — just like Scripture said (Zechariah 7:14)
23:40 Then the people returned to the land (Isaiah 43:5-6)
24:16 There will be war in the Last Days (Ezekiel 38:16)
25:32 Q&A Portion - How does Psalm 83 tie in with Ezekiel 38-39?
26:37 The End Times there has to be a temple, is this the birth pains leading up to that?
31:23 Is the invasion of Israel going to require the coalition or some member of the coalition?
34:03 What will the trigger be that will open the eyes of the 144,000?
35:24 "Where Are the Missing People?: The Sudden Disappearance of Millions and What Happens Next" by Jimmy Evans -
36:42 What is the nature of contention with people today? What are your thoughts on the foretold destruction of Damascus and where that occurs relative to Ezekiel 38-39?
42:16 Where do you see the United States fitting into Last Days prophecy?
48:25 Closing prayer

We pray that you are blessed by the message!

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