Are Our Children All Right ?. Is it well with your child? If the answer to this question is " No", we should be filled with a deep concern for the Physical and Spiritual Welfare of our children.
The Shunnammite's child had felt severe pain in the head and shortly died while on the lap of his mother. A great tragedy and sorrowful moment had suddenly fell upon this family. This mother, a devotee woshipper of Jehovah, immediately moved in Faith and looked for the man of God Elisha, who came and prayed for her dead son,and he came back to Life.
Parents, Guardians, Teachers, and Spiritual Foster Parents must rise up at this hour and Minister Life to our boys and girls who are in danger, in this difficult times of the last days. We must protect and shield our children against the corrupt values of the society which are bend to put our children in bondage. We must be ready to refuse and not let the ungodly and negative things such as: Addictive Games, Pornography, Rebellion, Laziness, wrong Relationships etc, influence our boys and girls.
May we above all, be good role models to our children. Train them to dress appropriately. Monitor what they watch both on social media and on television. Teach them to respect the law and people irrespective of their age, race, and culture. That they stay away from all forms and types of inappropriate entertainments, and destructive addictive habits which destroys human body and creating many healthy issues. Let it be our desire to keep our children safe and holy.