Today, Lilly Bekele-Piper concludes our Advent series 'Isaiah: Prophet of Advent' sharing God's word from Isaiah 40:9-11 & 52:7-9. Be blessed as you listen.

Listen to this Sunday's Worship playlist put together by Marcy Oyoo via this link -

Parents, today the children will join Teacher Erin in a special Christmas Party as from 9:30am. Pastor Isabella shared the link on the parents whatsapp group.

Children can also listen to the songs from the JSB curriculum put together by Teacher Claire via this link -

If you'd like to pray with someone, the Zoom Prayer Room will be open from 11:00am - 11:30am via this link - Please find the link details on the Newsletter/FB.

Let us continue to worship God with our tithes and offerings. Visit for a comprehensive list on how to give.8