Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. — Acts 2:37-38

This is the beginning of a massive movement that extends even into our time. It started with one man's courage. A man that spoke a challenging message. A message of deep conviction. And this conviction resulted in a simple question. And as a result, people responded to a clear call of action.

You know, I have often wondered why we don't see more of this in the church today. Why we don't hear of stories like this all the time.

Could it be we lack men of courage?
Could it be our messages lack biblical conviction?
Could it be we lack hearing clear calls to action?

Regardless, I know this. We have:

The same gospel they had.
The same power they had.
The same salvation they had.

Sometimes all we lack are repentant hearts. Hearts willing to change and be changed. Hearts that ask with desperation, "What do I need to do?"

Instead of being so concerned about what we lack in the modern church, maybe we should start acting like this church. Today let's repent. Repent to God by turning from sin or a specific sin. Turn forever and live obedient to the same God who still saves. And let's bring the message and movement to the next generation.

If you are ready to repent. Just write the word repent below, and my team and I will pray for you.

ASK THIS: Are you ready to repent?

DO THIS: If so, write the word repent below. If you are brave, share what you might need prayer for, and I will pray for you. (Share this in the comments below.)

PRAY THIS: God, I need to repent. Receive this as my confession. You are Lord, and I am not. I turn from my sin. Cleanse me from all unrighteous. May your Spirit strengthen me to live obedient to your will.

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