The Life of Jacob (6): Jacob Departs for Padanaram (Genesis 27:41-28:9) by Rev. Angus Stewart
I. The Two Reasons for His Leaving
II. The Parting Words of His Father
III. The Marital Reaction of His Brother
Robert Harbach: “Therefore, the chapter [i.e., Gen. 27], so far from presenting us with an inspiring model of family life, jars our souls and senses with the shocking realization that covenant families are all too often characterized by jealousy, deceit, and anger ... It was as though they had more confidence in good that wrong would bring than in doing right, come what may. They should have left it all to God and been truthful with one another. When no one in the family can trust in doing the right, they all then corrupt one another. Esau’s sin was that he despised both God’s promise and His law. The trouble with the rest of the family was that they believed they could pursue the promise apart from the law” (Studies in Genesis, pp. 540, 541).