Today more than ever, a discerning heart is needed at a time when tension is high, fears are prevalent, worry is a common theme and uncertainty of things to come linger for all of us. Our Sermons Series, “With God, With Each Other…” holds up the closeness that we are called to have with Our Lord and the closeness that we have as a community of believers. While it can be a challenge for us to discern the things spoken in our world today as either true, or false, or a blend – Deuteronomy challenges us to consider the things that we say, but also the declarations made to us. In fact, this passage points to a “later Prophet” who will come that will make declarations over us as God in Flesh, declarations to us that forgive us and renew us as the People of God.

Today’s service is led by Pastor Tom Roma and Pastor Jason Auringer
Sermon Title: “With God, With Each Other in Declaration”
Texts: Deuteronomy 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 and Mark 1:21-28
Music: Jordan Glock (8:00am Organ) and Mike Schlipp with Praise Team (11:00am)
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany – 1.31.2021

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If you are in need of pastoral care, we’re ready and willing to meet those needs the best we can. Please either call the Immanuel Lutheran Church Wentzville, MO Church Office at 636-327-4416 or email at You can also email Pastor Jason Auringer at or Pastor Tom Roma at

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