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If you're a JW or anyone else who has concerns,questions,or criticisms of this video or any other,feel free to write me personally to discuss anything you desire to respectfully.I've disabled comments because I have wasted so much precious time in futile "comment debates."I'm here to get certain messages out and if you don't like or accept them,that is certainly your prerogative.I'm a truth seeker like any other Christian and as I've grown in God's love & truth,I understand now more than ever the absurdity of trying to endlessly "convince" people in *potentially* offensive dialogue of anything when only the spirit of Yahuwah can make seeds grow.My ceaselessly debating you won't.

**Video disclaimer**(also stated at the end of this video)..Please understand I am not suggesting here anywhere that Jehovah's Witnesses don't rely on the death of Yahushua for their salvation and way to eternal life.This video is more about their odd belief that their own physical deaths eradicate their sin records,which to me personally seems irreconcilable with an actual need for a Redeemer beyond themselves since it is only sin that brings death at all.JW's don't think their own deaths acquit them from Adamic sin,just their "sin record."And without one of those,who would need a redeemer?This is why their misuse of Romans 6:7 is such a huge deal.