Jeremiah 25:1‭-‬38 NKJV

Meaning of Jeremiah 25:
25:1 The fourth year of Jehoiakim and the first of Nebuchadnezzar was 605 B.C.

25:3-7 The people of Judah were not in trouble for lack of revelation and knowledge of the truth. In fact, God had been faithful to send them prophets to declare the truth. The problem was not lack of knowledge, but willful rebellion. The 13th year of Josiah (v.3) dated the beginning of Jeremiah's prophetic Ministry around 626 B.C. ( Jeremiah 1:2).

25:11,12 The 70 years of Babylonian Exile lasted from approximately 605 to 538 B.C. Babylon, though the instrument of the Lord to accomplish His judgment against, Judah, was a pagan nation full of idolatry and sin and under divine condemnation. Babylon was conquered by Cyrus of Persia in 539 B.C. This message would have been a comfort to the remnant.

25:15 The cup of fury symbolizes divine judgment. Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Habakkuk used similar terminology (Isaiah 51:17,21,22; Ezekiel 23:32-34; Habakkuk 2:16)

25:15-38 God would judge not only Judah, but pagan nations as well. This passage anticipates the oracles against the nations (Jeremiah 46:1-51:64). God's judgment was focused on His people, who were His chief representatives to these nations.

25:26 Sheshach is possibly a cipher or code name for Babylon written as an Atbash, a literary device which exchanges the letters of a name counted from the beginning of the alphabet for letters counted from the end.