In Acts 19, Jesus shows his power over sickness and demonic activity is far superior to the magic that was practiced in Ephesus. In addition, we see at least three other distinct things. First, we see the weakness of religion and the power of the gospel when comparing Paul to the sons of Sceva. Second, we see Jesus will not be used or manipulated, seen clearly by how the sons of Sceva get whipped by a demon when they try to simply borrow Jesus' power. Third, we see Jesus will cost you more than you want to give, yet give you more than you ever imagined. It's probable the new Christians weren't thrilled when they realized they needed to get rid of $6 million worth of demonic books. They could have kept them or at least sold them, after all. But by God's grace they counted the cost and made an open spectacle of their repentance, showing their allegiance is now to Jesus. The cost of following Jesus is great, yet the reward is far greater than anything we ever leave behind. Not simply because Jesus gives us stuff but because He gives us Himself.