Sure, Jesus eats with sinners. But why? It all has to do with the "S" word. What's the "S" word? I explain it all in this men's Bible study on Mark 2:13-17.

Mark 2:13-17 teaches that Jesus called Levi (Matthew) to be his disciple. Immediately after Jesus called Matthew to be his disciple, Jesus went to Matthew's house for dinner. A bunch of sinners and tax-collectors went over to have dinner with Jesus. The scribes didn't like that, but Jesus gives the clearest explanation as to why he was eating with sinners.

This teaching is part of a series that is a Men's Bible Study based on The Gospel of Mark. This teaching focuses on Mark 2:13-17, where we find out that Jesus eats with sinners.

You can access all the teachings in this series via this playlist:

Here's a link to a video in which I explain in more detail about the three questions I ask when I do a Bible study on the Gospels:

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Keywords for this teaching
- Men's Bible Study
- The Gospel of Mark
- Jesus eats with sinners
- Mark 2:13-17
- Disciples that make disciples

I also produce The Christian Bro Code Podcast, which you can find on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. There's a new episode the first Monday of every month. Go check it out!

#mensbiblestudy #disciplesthatmakedisciples #gospelofmark