Paul emphatically proclaims that all who’s faith and trust is in Jesus alone for salvation are free. Jesus has freed us! But what has he freed us from and how has he done it? First, by humbly becoming human and living a life of perfect obedience to God’s Law, Jesus has freed us from the anxiety of never being good enough. He has given us his righteousness. Secondly, by willingly offering himself up on a cross and absorbing the wrath of God, Jesus has freed us from the fear of condemnation. There is no condemnation for us because he was condemned in our place. Third, by victoriously resurrecting to eternal life and ascending to heaven as our Advocate, Jesus has freed us from being nervous about the future. Through the power of his resurrection, he has promised to one day come back for us, give us resurrected bodies, and live with us in endless joy forever. Next, Paul charges us to “stand firm” and to not “submit” to the many threats of our freedom, which will bring us again into “slavery.” We are to help one another believe and think like we are free, because in Christ we are. We don’t need to try and achieve our salvation through our works because Jesus’ work is already totally sufficient to save us. Finally, we are to use our freedom to love and serve one another, rather than as an excuse to sin. We have been set free to live free. And true freedom is to be used to love God and love people.