Hebrews 1:3 states that Jesus is “the brightness of His glory and the express image of His Person.”
How can Jesus be “the express image” or “the EXACT LIKENESS THE FATHER’S PERSON” and not be that Father with us reproduced as a true man through the virgin? For the only true God the Father said in Isaiah 46:9, "I am God and there is none else, I AM GOD AND THERE IS NONE LIKE ME?"
Since Jesus Christ is like God, He must be that "God with us" as a true man.
21st Century Reformation Unitarians affirm that the indwelling Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ while claiming that Jesus is only a mere man. Yet how can a mere man be omnipresent like God and not be that God?
No verse of scripture ever says that a created angelic being or created human being can be in more than one location at a time?
Only the Most High God "fills heaven and earth" (Jer. 23:24). Yet Jesus "fills all things" according to Ephesians 4:10.
“He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that HE MIGHT FILL ALL THINGS.” Ephesians 4:10 NASB
Only God is the omnipresent Spirit who can hear and answer prayer, but Jesus said in John 14:13, "If you shall ask anything in my name I WILL DO IT."
How can Jesus hear and answer prayers as God if he is not the omnipresent Spirit who fills all things?
Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice and another they will not follow."
How can all of God's elect worldwide hear Jesus' voice if He is not the omnipresent God who became a man to save us?
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