Key Question: What’s your purpose in life?
10:30 am | Pre-Teen: Join the Children’s Team as We start with a crucial moment from Jesus’ life, found in Luke 4:14-24, 28-30. After Jesus returned from being tempted in the wilderness, He started teaching in the Synagogue. Soon Jesus traveled to Nazareth, where He grew up. Jesus went to the Synagogue, stood in front of the crowd, and read an important passage from Isaiah about the promised Messiah. Jesus says that He is the One sent to fulfill those things written in Isaiah: bringing freedom, healing, and hope to ALL people. Jesus let everyone know His purpose in life.

Bottom Line: Following Jesus means caring about others. Jesus showed us genuine compassion. Jesus knew God’s purpose for His life, and every interaction He had with others demonstrated that. As kids learn what it means to believe in Jesus and follow Him with their life, we pray that they will catch His purpose and decide to make a difference in the world by sharing God’s compassionate love with others.