Pastor Chad finally concludes John 6 by looking at Jesus' divine responses to Grumbling/Doubting Disciples (John 6:60-65) and Jesus’ Response to Peter’s Belief & Judas’ future betrayal (John 6:66-71). Chad sums up how there were 5 major groups who heard this gospel sermon by Jesus:

1. Belly-driven Seekers (Crowd seeking another free meal).
2. Mocking Rejecters (Jews).
3. Grumbling Defectors (False Disciples).
4. Sly Infiltrators (Judas).
5. Genuine Believers (Peter’s genuine BELIEF/FAITH - the faithful REMNANT who continue following Jesus).

This sermon looks at the characteristics of false disciples (They are attracted by the CROWD, fascinated by the promise of the SUPERNATURAL, interested only in earthly BENEFITS, they are INDIFFERENT to worship, seek personal PROSPERITY, make DEMANDS on God, and do not find their DESIRES fulfilled in Christ) VERSUS true/real disciples (They CONFESS Christ as an act of the will and give up personal sovereignty, continually recognize His DOMINION/lordship over them, have a preoccupation that Christ is EVERYTHING to them, are willing to forsake ALL/ lose all in order to gain Christ, they PERSEVERE with Christ and stay faithful to Him to the end). The sermon spends most of the time showing how salvation is ultimately dependent on God's sovereignty so that believers should be thankful/ever worshiping God for his GRACIOUS GRANTING of salvation as GIFT.

The conclusion of the sermon looks at the similar betrayal and martyrdom of William Tyndale in the 1500's and how the modern church should also expect and pray to prepare to deal with seekers, rejecters, defectors, and even infiltrators who tragically leave us or even betray us (1 John 2:19).