This message covers three main points:

1. Jesus’ Divine mission (His Calling – “He must go”)
a. Go to Jerusalem (Luke 13:33)
b. Suffer (Elders, Chief Priests, Scribes) (Isaiah 53)
c. Die (be killed) (Psalm 22)
d. Rise (be raised on the 3rd day) (Psalm 16)

2. Peter’s clueless correction (human misjudgment/shortsidedness/Intervention/indignation).
a. Took Jesus aside
b. Began to rebuke the Son of God
c. Saying “God forbid it” “This shall never happen to you”.

3. Jesus’ Radical rebuttal
a. He turned towards Peter to address him
b. “Get behind me Satan”
c. “You are a stumbling block to me”
d. “You are not setting you mind on God’s interests, but

John MacArthur summarizes this passage well: "The harshness of this rebuke contrasts sharply with Christ’s words of commendation in vv. 17–19. Jesus suggested that Peter was being a mouthpiece for Satan... Christ had come with the express purpose of dying as an atonement for sin (John 12:27). And those who would thwart His mission were doing Satan’s work." (MacArthur Study Bible, pp.1423–1424).