Sermon Notes December 4, 2016
“Jesus said, ‘I Am a King’” (John 18:37)
I. Being a king is about being in ______________.
A. It doesn’t always ____________ Jesus is in
charge. (John 10:18)
B. Jesus as King means that we should see ourselves
as His ____________. (Luke 18:22; Philippians
C. The ____________ proclaimed the truth of Jesus
as King with absolute and unmistakable clarity.
II. The King is away now … but there will come a
day when He’ll _______________. (Luke 19:12-
A. Jesus is King of creation by ____________.
B. God has already ____________ Jesus King. (Acts
C. When Jesus returns, it will be to declare
____________ to all men that He is King and it
will be to require an ____________ from all who
should have been serving Him while He was away.
III.The Second Coming of Jesus will be His
_______________ as King of all creation.
A. ____________ will flash from the east to the
west. (Matthew 24:27)
B. Jesus will come riding in the ____________.
(Matthew 24:30)
C. The voice of an ____________ and the trumpet
of God will announce His coming. (1
Thessalonians 4:16)
D. “____________ eye will see him, even those who
pierced him ...” (Revelation 1:7)
E. “____________ knee should bow.” (Philippians
F. “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name
written: ____________ AND LORD OF LORDS.”
(Revelation 19:16)