Today Marcus and Ken discuss Romans 11:11-24 in which St. Paul explains God's mysterious plan of incorporating the Gentiles into his plan of salvation. Using the imagery of the vine from the Old Testament, Paul calls Gentile Christians to humility and hope for the return of the Jews to their Messiah.

Listener Email: Dear CHN, God bless you for the work you do. Can you discuss the development of modern Protestantism and of Protestant thought from the reformation forward. For instance, the novelties of altar calls, sinner's prayers, symbolic baptism, symbolic Eucharist, personal relationship, personal interpretations of scriptures, rejection of infant baptism, etc. I would find this useful in my discussions with Protestant family members to help illustrate the theological novelty of Protestant theology in the framework of Catholic salvation history. In Christ, Phillip (Future Tiber Swim Team Captain 2015)

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The Coming Home Network International was established to help inquiring clergy as well as laity of other traditions to return home and then to be at home in the Catholic Church.