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Today we're back into our study on the book of Job!

We meet a 'new' character, Elihu, who provides some spiritually thought-provoking material.

Share your thoughts, questions, and comments below about what you're learning from our Job sermon series and bible study!


Join us for worship on Sunday mornings…

Yes, We Are Worshiping In Person!

The Bible teaches us that gathering together as God’s people is critical. “Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Christian Discretion and Liberty– Not everyone is going to feel comfortable coming back to worship yet. We understand, and encourage you to use Christian discretion and liberty as you decide if corporate Lord’s Day Worship is right for you!

If you choose to stay home please feel free to use our online sermons as a resource when you worship in your home. You can find a link to all of our archived sermons on our YouTube channel (search for Windermere Presbyterian Church)

Changes to Worship Due to COVID-19:

• Our worship times are now 9am and 11am; and both services are identical.

• The service will be an abbreviated liturgy, a sermon, and only two short hymns.

• Gloves and masks are provided if you would like to wear them

• All of our used spaces will be wiped down with Clorox Wipes before each service

• Bulletins will be the only touched materials. Lyrics will be printed in them, and we are asking you to bring your own Bibles.

• Please enter in leave through the Tanbridge Rd. door to the sanctuary.

• Worshipers are asked to sit at least two pews or rows apart and maintain social distancing.

• If you are visiting with us, an usher will ask your name and contact information. This is to keep record of those attending with us for tracing purposes, and to notify you, in the unlikely event of a COVID- 19 infection during one of our services.

Two services every Sunday, 9am & 11:00am in the main sanctuary.

All social distancing conditions observed.

Nursery available at both services for toddlers and babies.

What we believe:

-We believe the Bible is the Word of God, “the infallible truth and divine authority.” -The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 1.5

-We believe, with Christians everywhere, that there is only one God who is eternally three persons Father Son and Holy Spirit.

-We affirm the principles of the Protestant reformation: First, the Bible alone is the final source for all issues of faith and practice. Second that the salvation of all human beings will occur only by the grace of God. Third, the saving grace of God is received only by faith in Jesus Christ. Fourth, the only and sure way to stand before God is in Jesus Christ. Fifth, it is the greatest duty and joy of every human being to live every aspect of their lives for the glory of God alone.

-We affirm the principles of Reformed Christianity, historically born from the teaching of the French Protestant theologian, John Calvin, and later systematically described in the Westminster Confession of Faith. These principles emphasize the Almighty Nature of God over absolutely everything, and the necessity of God’s written Word in our worship and work.

Our Mission:

Windermere is committed to making disciples who make disciples and planting churches that plant churches

Be sure to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future bible studies, sermons, or other video updates!

Come join us!

Windermere Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, NC is located on Eastwood Rd. (Click here for directions:

Get Connected! Stay Connected!


See you Sunday!!