A sermon on the definitive way of salvation; the one truth which the whole theater of God's creation centers upon, and the only path to everlasting life - Jesus Christ alone. This claim is too unbelievable for humanity to accept. And not only that, but it is completely and totally repugnant to our fallen nature; such that its offensive drives away any and all who hear it, unless they are given eyes to see and ears to hear its glorious truth.

The marvelous thing about the gospel isn't that there is only one way to salvation, but that there is a way at all. And if you have placed your faith in Christ friend, praise the Lord! You're there because He has placed you in the cleft of the rock; the Good Shepherd called, and His voice you did follow. He has covered you with the blood of the Lamb who was slain, and when the day of judgement arrives, you will be passed over. And not only that, but you have been adopted into His family as a child of God, and will enjoy His blessings and the untainted joy of fellowship with Him forevermore. Therefore, although the world will face the glorious wrath of God in eternal hell, take heart! For whoever repents and believes in the only begotten Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ - trusting Him and His work on the cross entirely for the forgiveness of their sins - will be saved.