Sermon Notes April 6, 2014

I. Jesus is ____________ saying there should _______________ be any judgment.
A. “____________ take the plank out of your own eye, and ____________ you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:5)
B. There is judgment involved in recognizing someone as a ____________ or ____________. (Matthew 7:6) (see also Matthew 10:14; 7:15; 7:20; 18:15-17)
II. Key _______________ to guide our judgment of others.
A. Jesus is rebuking a ____________ and ____________ spirit. (see John 3:17; 1:14)
1. Jesus is rebuking a ____________ of life that is judgmental.
2. Jesus is encouraging us to give others the ________________________.
B. Jesus is challenging us to an attitude of _______, even in judgment. (Matthew 7:2 … see also John 8:11; 4:16-18)
1. Any confrontation that we do should be done with a spirit of __________ and __________.
2. Confrontation should always come out of a heart that ____________ and a desire to ____________.
C. Jesus is challenging us to judge with __________. (Matthew 7:3-4)
1. It is _______________ judgment that Jesus condemns. (see Luke 18:10-14)
2. It is only in the recognition of our own ____________ that we are ready to exercise judgment. (see Galatians 6:1)

Next Sunday’s Message … “Ask … Seek … Knock” (Matthew 7:7-12) … Steve Lee preaching.