I do not claim ownership of the musical recordings made by the various artists played during this show.

Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research.

email brothermintheo@gmail.com for prayer requests, concerns etc.

If you are led to do so, please sow a small seed of support, 1$, 5$, $10 via PAYPAL send to
brothermintheo@gmail.com OR atempleofthetrueryahshua@gmail.com
OR for VENMO @Unplugem-BrotherTheo
Or CASH APP (https://cash.me/$UNPLUGEM)
or send an email to brothermintheo@gmail.com for other options. Every storehouse
needs provision, and we use that provision to help those who are in need, as well as to aid the steward in maintaining the temple. It is a time when aid is needed on every side. Thank you for your consideration.