Many people fail to fully grasp how seriously God takes sin. He expects us to obey Him at all times in all situations. The commands of God should not be seen as arbitrary or simply as a random list of rules. God did not give us the Bible so we would have a religious rule book but rather so that we could know how to know and love Him.
God calls us into His service, and He knows what is best for us. He wants us to serve Him and Him alone. The result of this is that we are bound to look different from the world we live in. We might appear to be strange and peculiar to those around us, and they may consider our worship of the Lord to be bizarre. But we must keep in mind that God does not delight in putting us in circumstances where we appear to be odd. It is just that He has a different set of priorities than the world does. This week’s lesson shows the danger of trying to circumvent God’s purposes. Some people want to serve God, but they want to do so in their own way. This will never work. God knows what is best, and He calls for us to serve Him in faithful obedience. (Bible, Expositor and Illuminator Union Gospel Press, Fall Quarter 2021).