YeHoVaH had instructed Moses to have Israel make a Sanctuary for Him, and He would dwell amongst them. They were instructed to make the Tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern He would show Moses. YeHoVaH desired to dwell amongst His people, continually demonstrate His love for them, and protect them from their enemies as He developed them into the people He would have them become.

Leviticus provided Instructions and Laws from YeHoVaH to His people on how they were to properly respond to His love for them and how they would be able to develop and maintain their special relationship with Him through various Offerings and Sacrifices. YeHoVaH not only wanted His people to live in harmony with Him, but also wanted them to live in harmony with one another as neighbors.

In Pt. 1 of The Law for Various Offerings, YeHoVaH transitions from the people’s responsibilities in various Offerings to the High Priest and the Priests’ responsibilities. In this portion of Leviticus, YeHoVaH continues to give Instructions to the Priests and their Priestly duties.

In preparation for this study, The Law for Various Offerings Pt. 2, please read Leviticus 7:1-38Thank You for Watching our LIVE Service:

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