
Call to Worship
“Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery”
“Everlasting God”
Sermon - Calling and Comfort (John 14:15-24) - Pastor Kim Kira
“I Believe”
“Grace Alone”

Sermon Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5swhaglhai1dzp/Sermon%20Notes%202020.07.19.pdf?dl=1

Calling and Comfort (John 14:15-24)

The Farewell Discourse offers a Calling and a Comfort.

Key idea: to live for Christ, we need Christ, and we need to love Christ.

1. Live for Christ by living with Christ

- The first Helper/Advocate/Counselor is Christ
- The second Helper/Advocate/Counselor is the Holy Spirit
- The role of the Holy Spirit (from Dr. Bruce Ware in Father, Son, & Holy Spirit):
- The Spirit Assists in Carrying out the Work of the Father
- Spirit works to glorify the Son
- Special revelation, inspired by the Spirit, Focuses on Christ
- Evangelism, empowered by the Spirit, proclaims the Gospel of Christ
- Regeneration, brought about by the Spirit, brings new life in Christ
-Sanctification, progressively achieved by the Spirit, makes us more and more like Christ

Practical application: to embrace the work of the Holy Spirit, focus on Christ through the truth of the Word.

2. Live for Christ by loving Christ

- To love Christ, we must obey his commandments
- To obey his commandments, we must love Christ
Beware of competing loves
Look at Christ through the Word
Remember your salvation (Luke 6:36-50)