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Sermon: Jesus Changes Everything (Part 3): Freedom From Anxiety (Matthew 6:25-34) - Kim Kira
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Sermon notes download:

Matthew 6:24-34
Jesus Changes Everything (Part 3): Freedom from Anxiety

- Godly concern is born out of love. It becomes sinful anxiety when it we aren’t trusting God, and/or it leads to other sins.
- Stress is not a result of circumstances, but what is going on in our hearts.

Key Idea:
To find freedom from anxiety we must flee our idols and fuel our faith in Christ.

1. Flee your idols
- Stress is a result of our idols being threatened.
- We are all worshipers and what we worship determines how we live.

Application: Confess and repent of the idolatry underneath your anxiety.

II. Fuel your faith
- We grow in faith by getting to know Jesus the object of our faith.

“Christian faith is thinking” – DM Lloyd Jones

- Jesus is personalizing a God that likely seemed so distant to these people.

- Truth for us: We believe in a personal God who knows and loves us.

Three ways to fuel your faith:
1. Fuel your faith through prayer.
2. Fuel your faith by looking to Christ in truth.
3. Fuel your faith through by embracing what God is doing.


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