The Gospel of today dwells on the same topic. Jesus’ disciples had a vision of Jesus transfigured in glory and flanked by Moses and Elijah, obviously Elijah was still on their minds. So they ask Jesus for confirmation regarding the role of Elijah as forerunner of the end time. Jesus’ reply was unexpected in more ways than one; the real forerunner is John the Baptist and he has was badly treated and this will also be the fate of Jesus himself.
In speaking of Elijah, Jesus is predicting His own death. He is preparing his disciples for what will come. Jesus tells them “the Son of Man will suffer.” However, the disciples assume that Jesus is talking about John the Baptist. As usual, Jesus’ disciples did not understand. The coming of Jesus was meant to bring about the kingdom of God on earth with the offer of salvation for all; but the people struck out against the bearer of the message.