The smoking gun. If this isn't it, then I don't know what is. A few notes:

- Ed Litton borrowed the structure and substance of J.D. Greear's Romans 1:15-17) sermon (the introductory sermon in the series). If the video hasn't convinced you of this, then look at Greear's manuscript with Litton's borrowings highlighted (see below for link, or skip to 24:57).

- This is a long video with lots of evidences of various kinds of borrowing (from structure, to main/sub points, illustrations, jokes, and even gestures). But those who want to defend Litton, or at least not assume the worst in him, will probably point out that this video only represents about 12min of borrowing, which is roughly a third of the original sermon. This must said: The extent of Litton's borrowing cannot be assessed accurately by merely adding up these clips. If you watch his and Greear's sermons closely (the ones in which Litton borrows extensively), you will notice a few things:
1) Where Litton deviates most from Greear is in his introductions and conclusions. But these portions of the sermon are easiest to rework or come up with on your own. Here (and in a least a few other sermons), Litton borrows the structure and substance of Greear's sermon body, which takes the most work and understanding.
2) Litton omits a number of Greear's subpoints and illustrations, and he will sprinkle in a few of his own here and there.
3) So what makes up the rest of Litton's sermon? Notice that he is most tied to his notes when he is borrowing from Greear, and makes the most eye contact when he is not. A number of times he seems to go off on an aside extemporaneously. He also fluffs up a number of Greear's points, but rarely in a substantial way.

- All of the clips of Litton are presented in sequence; a handful of Greear's clips are out of order (to match Litton's order).

-Get a visual of the borrowing here with Greear's published manuscript with Litton's borrowings highlighted in red (or go to 24:57):
-Greear's full sermon (streamed Jan 6, 2019):
-Litton's full sermon (posted Jan 5, 2020):